About Me Hi, I'm Vryjisni Mucring. I'm a computer programmer, tech dude, fan of old internet, and generally really cool guy. On this site I post things I discover and some cool junk I have, maybe other interesting crap. If I had to give out a specific favorite food, it would probably be McNuggets™™™™™ by Mc™Donalds™™™ with some™ Honey™™™Mus™™™tard Sauce™™™ and a good™™™Root™Beer.™™ lol™ Other Things I'm in a small group of people called Slipway Disks that has two of my very good friends, sushipantsu, and May (who at the moment, has no website. But she's working on it, she swears!). Sooner or later, we will be putting up a website that will explain more about it. |